What I Have Learned Working in The Funeral Service
As most of you, but not all of you, know I have worked at a funeral home in York Pennsylvania now for just over 6 years. I started working at the funeral homes in the fall of 2015 and have continued to work and grow with the firms, even to the point that I am currently enrolled at Pittsburg Institute of Mortuary Science in order to work towards earning my Funeral Directors License in Pennsylvania. I know I have not posted on my blog for a while, but I figured I would share my experiences so far and what I have learned (and no I am not going to share any gross or gruesome stories, that’s not what this is about). How did I end up working at a funeral home? In mid-2015 I was living at an old farmhouse what was also for sale, and one day I just happened to meet the owner of the funeral homes I work at today while he was looking at the property. We began to talk and eventually became friends. As we talked and he learned th...